Methods of oxygen production

  •  There are three methods which being currently used to get oxygen or nitrogen from air mixture.
  • Cryogenic air separation units are commonly used method to get oxygen and nitrogen often argon also. 
  • In this method the air is compressed, feed it into distillation columns and liquid oxygen is obtained. 
  • The oxygen is is then filled into special cryogenic transport tankers that maintain -180 degree centigrade temperature to travel to smaller plants. 
  • There, the liquid oxygen is converted into gaseous form, fed into cylinders and transported to hospitals.
  • Vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) is a non-cryogenic gas separation technology. 
  • Using special solids, or adsorbents, VSA segregates certain gases from a gaseous mixture under minimal pressure according to the species molecular characteristics and affinity for the adsorbents. 
  • These adsorbents (e.g., zeolites) form a molecular sieve and preferentially adsorb the target gas species at near ambient pressure. 
  • The pressure swing adsorption method is used to separate the oxygen and nitrogen in the air, and filter out the harmful substances in the air, so as to obtain high-concentration oxygen that meets the medical standards. 
  • Pressure swing adsorption processes rely on the fact that under high pressure, gases tend to be attracted to solid surfaces, or "adsorbed". 
  • The higher the pressure, the more gas is adsorbed; when the pressure is reduced, the gas is released, or desorbed. 


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